What did you want to be when you were a little kid? Bet you hung your wish up in the sky, thinking of your super dream job. Said you wanted to be a doctor, a pilot, an architect, dentist, teacher, etc, etc. You were in high school, certain that you would go to college, seeking your super dream job. It happened to me, also. I am in the search of a great job [in my perspective].
Then I am 22, going to a mall to find a gift for my soon-to-be-retired elementary school teacher. Found a nice tie, then paid it on the cashier. I met this mbak-mbak kasir Centro with familiar face and I tried so hard to remember; who's this mbak-mbak? I know that she's a friend from school but I couldn't recall which school? Junior high? Elementary? So I peeked her name tag and found a familiar name also. I remember we had to call her with that 'K' after her first name, because another friend had the same name. Still I didn't remember who she is.
Today I met my college friend who was also my elementary school friend, and told her that I met this mbak-mbak. I figured that the mbak-mbak was an elementary school friend.
Then I started to think.
Funny that I, graduated from a school of architecture, is trying to find a big, ideal job for myself. A dream job. An occupaition that, when people ask me "what are you up to?", I'll answer the question with pride and greatness. And so does everybody, I think. But how silly it is, when we still think that Jobs are Big Jobs. Doctor. Architect. Accountant. Ever we think that there are plenty more jobs out there? When we're a little kids, we went buying a toy, met mbak-mbak toko mainan, and the idea of mbak-mbak penjaga toko never even cross our mind. It's just someone else. Not me, not my friend, not my neighbor, no one. When you grow up you find some of your friends are mbak-mbak and mas-mas penjaga toko.
I am realizing that the dream job is not really realistic for some. Dreams remain dreams. Thank you. Go back to real life please.