Monday, January 18, 2010

a house without drawings

"This house was made without drawings! I myself built this," he proudly said. He's no architect. He's no contractor. He's the stone man, a worker. You probably can not see the beauty of this house from my sketch for my style in drawing lines, but this house is really a good one; it's a big house but humble, earthy colors, green garden, big windows. Seems comfortable, and livable. The stone man himself made this house without drawings.

A very big failure for you, hey architects, if you're bluffing arrogantly with pride -because you may not be smarter than this stone man. He doesn't need to become a professor, nor the PhD. He knows how to create a livable house with his trained skills of building, and he just did. He doesn't talk as if he knew everything; the one that architects do.


novel said...

sinis bener kata2 buat para arsiteknya. :))

sopo tho si builder (atau desainer) - nya? dimana dai benda ini berdiri?

sepertinya rumah impian gue..hehe

dai said...

duh maaf ya.. gak tahan gue hahaha..

jadi, desainer/pembangun/arsiteknya adalah.......... bapak tukang.

rumah ini berada di kompleks pertainan, pasar minggu, vel. it does look like a dream house, even for me :)

Anonymous said...

gw sangat suka kata2 lo dai. Hahaha.

Dan gw sangat suka dengan sketsa lo. :)

@novel: Hayoooo noveeeel kekeke *ga jelas

Wanda Soepandji said...

I like the sketch. The builder's soul influenced dai's sketch and the sketch influenced my soul. Earthy and Brave one!

dai said...

thanks mbak wanda! it is earthy indeed :)