I don't know what's happening in pop-creative-industry nowadays, but yesterday, the bookstore was so 90s. Cassette-shaped products and cassette [or other 90s] themed books were most exhibited. For me, it's another remembering. When I was in school, cassettes were the only source to music since I didn't like to watch TV or radio [until now]. Monthly I bought cassettes. The first place to search if I went to any malls were music store. It's few years ago. I can't recall when was the last time I went to a music store and really enjoyed browsing on cassettes. I don't even have any cassette player in my own bedroom now and I don't know how to play my old cassettes because I am surely not sharing the songs I listen to with my parents and brothers.
Amid the Epidemic 2020
4 years ago
One of the most memorable thing about cassette - for me - is the sound it makes when we put it into the player. It kind of 'robotic' yet cool. Also the excitement when it buzzes, waiting for the next song to be played...
kalo gue: kepenasaranan, lagu2nya kayak apaan si? soalnya kan banyak lagu yg gak ada video klipnya atau dimainkan di radio. hehe.
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