Friday, July 17, 2009


'Extraordinary' is the perfect word to describe my recent days, as the days were really 'out of my ordinary days'. I did things I haven't done before: wrote a song about ozone with a friend, recorded it - manually haha, put the notes on a partiture [my part was the NOT BALOK (!) - so this is strange because we recognize 2 kind of notes writting in Indonesia: not balok (the usual partiture with tauge hahaha) and not angka which the international world doesn't know] then brought the files [CDs, partitures] to the State Ministry of Environment's building. So this is what I did:

I can't believe I did that. I was at my desk the whole night with pencil and papers -- things I seriously haven't done in my life; not even for studying hahahahaha.


Anonymous said...

Maybe this is what you called 'study', Dai. Heee

dyah sihanani said...

hmm mungkin juga gal hehe *smug*

dyah sihanani said...
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Anonymous said...

tentunja Dai *smug*