Saturday, August 22, 2009

house stalking

I've been stalking this house for years anddddd I finally....

sketched it :p

So this is a house in front of my church's side carport alias beside the church building. A nice house that I believe the owner hired an architect to design it. Well, we don't know the truth. It's not that important anyway. Unfortunately, the owner didn't predict that a public building in front of his house [a.k.a the church] were going to be developed; the floor level were added plus its balcony facing the house. So we now obviously can see the house to its most private area; which is the master bedroom. Poor the owner. Lucky the stalker. Haha. Just kidding.

Well I didn't mean to stalk in any negative view. I just like this house very much. And I just figured out that many people I know, like the house as well - even envy it. Hmm.. congratulations, owner.

And this is my sketch:

Bad, cartoonish perspective? Check. Not-so-right proportion? Check. Stupid roof shape? Check. What else? And I blaffed at the campus about proportion. hahaha... ups sorry :p

By the way I welcome any comments or critics hehe.


Anonymous said...

Oooohhhh! *just like Eve sounds when she met Wall-E's stuff* Gw suka dai. Gw suka beneran. Oh nooooo keren sekali sketsa loooo! Reminded me of something, but I can't recall what it is. Lo harus kerja di Pixar dai. *lho*

Dan gw bahkan belom mulai nge-scan sketsa2 gw... huhuhuhuhu

dai said...

*eh aduh kok lo gt banget gal... itu nggak segitunya lho*

ayo dong galll scan.. kalo gak ada scanner coba discan di kampus aja gal *smug* kalo malu ya diem2 aja. hehe.

luki said...


bagus bgt mbo dijaa..cuma 10 menit pula??uwooooww....


dai said...

eh tp rumahnya emang keren dari sononya hehe..

thx yak :)

Ratna_Delia said...

aduhhh dekkk.tolong ya itu proporsi...proporsiiinyaaa...tolong diperhatikan dengan seksama...atepnya juga..ckckckckckck...nanti dek daija asistensi tekomars sama saya ya..

bwahahahahahhahhaha..sok blagu banget..padahal sketsa gw ga sebagus lo..bagus ko dai..;)luuuccuuu..10minutes kan??gw aja 10 minutes baru atepnya doank..hoho

dai said...

iyaaa kak nanaaaa... kak nana di kampus sampe jam berapa? nanti saya asistensi ya kak hihihihi...

Ratna_Delia said...

aduh gimana ya??saya sibuk ni..mungkin saya dikampus tahun depan..jadi sementara saya sibuk gimana kalo asistensi sama suami saya
galih:"apa istrikuuu???.."
nah itu suami saya..asistensi sama dy aja ya dek daija..

*ketawa guling2*

dai said...

dodoooollll loooooo hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

HEEEEEEEE ini mampus banget hahahaahahahahahhaaa!!!!

novel said...

distorsi aja bagus.

*pertanda sirik*


dai said...

distorsinya yg bikin bagus.
*biar makin kesel*
