I've been so curious about watercolour, but I never dare to try using it. My idle watercolour then became my little bro's experimental tools, causing the two major colors [red and black] to dry. Since then, I decided to try, however bad it is; and it started last week. And this is it [eh? sounds michael jackson. haha]
Hmm.. I don't know. I didn't mean to make a dark painting. It should've been brighter and happier. Hehe. I like the background, and dislike the glass. Big failure. Cheers. Or not.
P.S.: still wondering how to keep the original colours on the screen. Is it the scanner's fault or just the setting?
gile luh,cat air-an mulu. sadisss! :D
gue justru suka gelasnya.. this is it banget (apa sih? hihi)
yang agak aneh bentuk bulet di atas gelas..hehe.
hasil scanan lo masih lebih mending. scanan gue kacrut banget nih. huhu.
iseng2 aja vel, mumpung catnya blm gue beresin hehe.
sebenernya gue baru sadar, jgn2 screen komputer gue yg dudul. karena pas gue buka blog ini di tempat lain. warnanya oke. haha.
hmmm kalo liat gbr aslinya, gelasnya nggak bgt vel. heee...
the setting. told you blogger is lousy.
the setting. told you blogger is lame.
my scanner is also lame, i guess.
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