Friday, October 23, 2009

lights off

starry night, watercolor on paper
I just realize that the outdoor night without lamps is just beautiful. Few days ago the electricity of the whole town was down. I went home when it's already dark, after taking care of a friend's house whose owner was abroad and taking another friend home. It was so damn dark that we were so damn creeped out.
Going back to home was so thrilling, since there was no light. Only the motorcycles' and the cars' also some lights from the generator operated lamps from a few houses and stores.
Then I got home, and stared above. It was amazing. The grey starry night had become the brightest light, leaving the houses and trees in a complete black silhouette, the dots of stars were contemplative; I suddenly imagined hundred years before when the little kid playing below the light of a full moon. It's said that the light of the moon was as bright as the sun's.
It was so breathtaking.

1 comment:

Wanda Soepandji said...

very niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee